“Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well-being, well-being is freedom from disease.” ~ Dr. Mikao Usui

 Healing Experiences

Access Bars, Reiki Experiences, Marma Chikitsa and Sound Healing Sessions

Intuitive combinations based on your needs.

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Reiki Healing Experience

Annawyn offers Intuitive Reiki Sessions for those that are looking to have a space held for them in honor to heal, sooth, relax, create a shift, etc.

Reiki is an ancient practice that supports mental clarity, healing of physical and spiritual well-being and exploration of what one needs in the present moment.

This is often an intuitive combination of healing modalities based on your needs incorporating Access Bars, Reiki Experiences, Marma Chikitsa and Sound Healing Sessions all and intuitively inspired.

Sessions are 60 to 90 minutes.

Distant Reiki Experience

Experience a healing Reiki session from the comfort of your home. This can be done via Zoom as well for face to face connection, but is not required for this energetic experience. Annawyn is a Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master. Her focus is to heal and break through the barriers that do not serve you any longer; however, overall focus of healing, energy clearing and intuitive messages that can help guide one to their hearts true desires makes for a self care experience you will not regret.

Sessions are 60 to 90 minutes.

Couples Reiki Experience

Experience a healing Reiki session at the studio. Annawyn is a Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master. Her focus is to heal and break through the barriers that do not serve you any longer; however, overall focus of healing, energy clearing and intuitive messages that can help guide one to their hearts true desires makes for a self care experience you will not regret. This experience is for couples that would like to indulge in a healing experience together.

Sessions are 90 minutes.

Maternity - Infertility, Pregnancy Reiki, Postpartum and Baby Reiki Experiences

Experience a healing Reiki session at the studio. Annawyn is a Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master, Access Bars Practitioner and Marma Chikitsa Therapist. This session will focus on bringing balance to the organs and systems that optimize the body, mind and spirit for conception, pregnancy, infertility, postpartum, at any stage of your journey. Blessings mama. You will not regret this self care investment.

Sessions are 60 to 90 minutes.

Maternity Reiki Package

Experience 3 healing Reiki session at the studio. Annawyn is a Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master. This session will focus on bringing balance to the organs and systems that optimize the body, mind and spirit for pregnancy, conception and after birth. Blessings mama. You will not regret this self care investment.

3 Sessions 60 to 90 minutes each.


Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.

These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!

Annawyn performing Access Bars/Reiki Experience.

Did you know this service is for all ages?

Reiki Classes

Usui Reiki I Certification Program

Join Reiki Masters Annawyn Laing and Tabathe Wallace for Usui Reiki I Certification program. This certification program will consist of an immersive experience that includes energy activation level I attunement, complete training on how to use Reiki to treat yourself and others, exploring hand positions, chakras, 5 elements of wellness, scanning, clearing, balancing, ethics and etiquette. We will spend time in group healing as well. Once attuned, you can practice Reiki for a lifetime. This certification program will include a manual to take home for review.

Usui Reiki I


Certification Program

Join Reiki Masters Annawyn Laing and Tabathe Wallace for Usui Reiki II Certification program. This certification program will consist of an immersive experience that includes for Usui Level Reiki Level II Certification and Attunement. Learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system, understand the history of Reiki, perform Reiki sessions with the intention of addressing all areas of life, Learn how to visualize the locations of the meridian and chakra energy systems in the body, guided through techniques to help you access your intuition, learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others, explore performing Reiki from a distance, heal unwanted patterns and learn how to manifest your goals, practice using the Reiki symbols, learn and experience the benefits of regular meditation and self care. Receive Level I, II attunements from your Reiki Master.

Usui Reiki Master Teacher

Certification Program

Join Reiki Masters Annawyn Laing and Tabathe Wallace for Usui Master Teacher Trainer Certification program. This certification program will consist of an immersive experience that includes Usui Master Teacher Trainer Certification and Attunement. Learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system, understand the history of Reiki, perform Reiki sessions with the intention of addressing all areas of life, Learn how to visualize the locations of the meridian and chakra energy systems in the body, guided through techniques to help you access your intuition, learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others, explore performing Reiki from a distance, heal unwanted patterns and learn how to manifest your goals, practice using the Reiki symbols, learn and experience the benefits of regular meditation and self care. Receive Level I, II and III attunements from your Reiki Master. Receive ongoing mentorship as you experience and learn to use your own powers. Received training manual and insight on how to incorporate Reiki into your business, teachings, family life and more.

 Upcoming Classes